School started in September. Since then, I have made B’s lunchbox. I’m sharing some of the bento boxes we’ve made. More photos on our Facebook Page.
Let’s Make Lunch Fun
B is a very picky eater. She wasn’t like this before. In fact, she used to munch on steamed broccoli and carrots when she was just a toddler. I don’t know what happened and it’s very frustrating when she asks for the same kind of food every day.
Her staples are: boiled eggs, broth and rice, chicken nuggets and fries (store-bought! *gasp*!!). I’m really at my wit’s end on this one.
That’s why I participated in the #LetsMakeLunchFun movement started by Abi of Cuddles and Crumbs. I needed inspiration, stat!
It’s still a hit and miss most of the time but those times that she’d come home with an empty lunch box is heaven!
I admit, the first few weeks of school was the hardest. I was so scared that she’d go hungry so I tend to over pack her lunch box.
She knows how happy I get when she finishes her food but I guess she got fed up eventually that she started reminding me that I can only pack 3 items.

Eventually we got the right formula for B. We let her eat heavy breakfast, light lunch at school, and then she eats heavy snack when she gets home by 3 pm. She then eats dinner by 6 pm and sometimes a fruit just before bedtime.
We still have a long way to go but at least we’re improving. I almost didn’t want to make this post because of a comment I got in Instagram.
Somebody left a comment: “Maybe too much sugar for a packed lunch?”
I really felt bad after reading that. It really got to me that I had to talk it out with Mommy Abi.
What she told me got me back on track. “Nobody else knows our struggles.” We make do with what we have and we take it from there. Aiming to improve and to be better everyday.
So, if you want to see more lunchbox ideas, search for #LetsMakeLunchFun in Instagram. There’s a lot of inspiration out there. As much as I want to make them all, I would have to take it slow with my picky eater.
Slowly but surely. We will get there someday. (Hopefully soon!!)
Hey there! I’m a mom of two who loves to crochet. Balancing work and motherhood is crazy, but I handle it with love and humor. With my eldest entering her tween years, the chaos just got a whole lot more interesting!
I’m fueled by coffee and dream of working from home. When I need to chill, I turn to my trusty essential oils. They’re my secret weapon for staying sane in the madness.
Join me for mom life, crochet, and my journey to work from home and retire before life passes me by.
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