Our Blogger in Focus for today comes all the way from … *drum rolls* … the Philippines!! Wee! So happy that she agreed to be featured on the blog. While I haven’t met Didi in person, we’ve known each other for quite sometime. We met online in one of the forums I frequent back in the day. 😀
Name: Didi Tang
Location Quezon City
Blog: Candishhh Tales
How did you start blogging?
I started because I simply wanted to say some things (out loud) that I couldn’t. Hahaha! I think I started raving or ranting about something related to our dog Jenna and I was typing non-stop! It was another blog address http://jenna-baby.blogspot.com/ . After a while, I decided to start my own blog. I started blogging by accident. To be honest, I was laughing at friends who were blogging because I found it silly that people would want to publish their deepest darkest thoughts on the web! And in less than a few months, I joined the bandwagon! It started as an online journal – since I would just type away in front of the PC. One entry led to another, and I was on a blogging high because I wrote mostly about whatever that could think of. I was ranting and raving and just writing and typing my emotions away.
What do you write about?
I write about anything under the sun that interests me. My topics are so all over the place but I mainly write about the food that I liked. But after giving birth, I think my writing leans towards the things I went through and am still going through about being a mother. I still write about food, of course since I will forever love to eat! Hahaha! To be honest, I think I write about the things that I like, dislike, love and hate, my realizations in life and my views on certain things. It’s really an online diary (even if I deny it to death that I don’t have a diary!) Hahaha..
Tips for new Bloggers?
Just one tip. Write from the heart. Type away your thoughts and be yourself. Blogging is an outlet, it’s a creative outlet so enjoy, experiment and love it.
What are the challenges you face with blogging?
Laziness to post! Oh my, I learned that when you have your creative juices flowing – don’t ignore and type away. For the first time ever I will admit that I lost my writing mojo. I think I had a writer’s block in 2007. And it was only recently that I got my mojo back. I tried to look for an inspiration but simply couldn’t find it anywhere. I regret not trying hard enough to regain the mojo – I think it was my all time blog low the years after that. I became busy being a wife, being pregnant and being a first time mom. But now I realized that no matter how I try, I will still go back to writing (and blogging) as an outlet for my whatever things.
What do you do outside of blogging?
I am a mom of 2! My eldest is Kailee she’s 3years old, my son Connor is turning 2 in October! I have a semi part-time/full-time job in Sales at my family’s carpet business. So technically, I still go to the office (my office is 3 minutes away from my home!)
Blogs you recommend my readers should read/follow?
I recently found this site and I’m so hooked on her blog. I forgot how I came across her blog, but it was so refreshing reading her entries! (I have to admit it’s because of her Japan posts! hahahaha) – Sandier Pastures. Since I love love to eat I always visit Smitten Kitchen. I envy how neat she does her pictures and it honestly makes me wonder – how the hell is able to document them? When I bake, I forget to take pictures and eat them immediately! Another favorite food blog of mine is 80 Breakfasts. I had the pleasure of meeting Joey when I was just starting out in blogging. She is the nicest most warm and genuine people who I have met n the blogging community.
Since I love love food – here’s another food blogger Market Manila! He’s from Cebu and I know some people find him snotty but I don’t! I actually love that about him, hahaha!! He started it all for me. Imagine in 2005 he was already getting at least a 1,000 hits a day! I like that he is very private and doesn’t attend events. Even without the press and digital PR agencies he still very much on top. Well, he’s not very popular because of his opinion, but I still follow him nonetheless. A short story, since Market Man (MM) doesnt’ post his pictures on his site – so many of us readers wonder on what he looked like! Everyone was throwing their descriptions of him and eventually he made en eyeball – and I was able to meet him! Hahaha!! He’s the guy that made the lechon for Anthony Bourdain and he dubbed it ‘Best Pig, EVER!’ diba?
Name 3 Random Facts about you
- I have lots of baby hairs. And they’re all on my forehead! Argh. When I was little it was cute! It got so much worse after I gave birth! My experienced massive hair loss, and of all places – it was on my forehead! So until now – it’s still argh.. full of baby hair and it’s still kind of bald-y. I super hate it! Grrr.. (Mega random fact yan ha.. Hahaha! Wala ng hiya hiya! Hahaha..)
- I like to win arguments. Hahahaha! Who doesn’t! But seriously, make sure that when I enter into an argument, I have all my facts straight and I have proof! Hahaha.
- I am very good with names and faces (and where I met them) I really don’t like it when people forget my name even if we’re introduced more than thrice already. I mean, come on – am I that forgettable? Maybe I am? Hahahaha!!
Candishhh Tales is also on Facebook and Twitter.
PS. Blogger in Focus features bloggers everywhere. It’s published every Thursday by priority (whoever submits first, gets the slot.) If you want to be featured, send me an email at sheila@abandme.com. Thanks!!
Hey there! I’m a mom of two who loves to crochet. Balancing work and motherhood is crazy, but I handle it with love and humor. With my eldest entering her tween years, the chaos just got a whole lot more interesting!
I’m fueled by coffee and dream of working from home. When I need to chill, I turn to my trusty essential oils. They’re my secret weapon for staying sane in the madness.
Join me for mom life, crochet, and my journey to work from home and retire before life passes me by.
Thank you so much for this opportunity! 🙂
Mwah!! 🙂
Love, Didi