Because I need to have my waxing done soon, I remembered that I have this post in my drafts still!! While in the Philippines, I went to Lay Bare Waxing Salon whenever I need to have hair removed. (Does that sound right? LOL) Because I have no idea where to go, I asked my cousin…
Visited: Tuburan Mountain View Resort
One of the places we visited during our vacation is Tuburan Mountain View Resort.
Raising a “Techie Child”
I am always on the fence when it comes to giving handheld devices to my child. On the one hand, I want her to learn how to read books. Yes, actual books. I want her to play and get messy (ok, not too messy!). I want her to interact with kids her age. But in…
Bucket List Update – April 2014
I guess it’s time to update my list. I’m happy to report that I was able to cross out some during my stay in the Philippines. 5. Dress up and have proper “dinner” with family. This is not “dinner” but I’ll take it. We are complete and we are having good food together. This is…
The Baby and The Hives
This post has been sitting on my drafts for some time now. I just couldn’t make myself finish it. When I said B got sick during our vacation, she really got sick. The kind that needs to be hospitalized! It was so hard to see her in pain. The only consolation was that her medications…
Swatched: Sleek True Color Lipstick
Ok, I know I’ve been saying I’m back and that I will be posting more frequent now but as usual, real life is getting in the way of my blogging. (LOLS!!) Anyway, let me just start with this. I was able to try Sleek Make Up True Color Lipstick while I was on vacation. I’m…