Cooking with natural chicken is a fun and delicious way to improve your lifestyle. Eating processed foods all the time can be hard on your body. You wouldn’t try to run your car by dumping soybean oil into the gas tank right? So why do people have this assumption that they can eat whatever they…
The Package Arrived!
I ordered something online and I received it on time!! I’m so happy. I need these for my daughter’s birthday preparations. (More on that on the other blog). I was so scared it wouldn’t come on time, but it did! You see, I don’t usually buy stuff online. I don’t know why. I’m just paranoid like…
Breaking Bad – Ozymandias
This is totally random and probably out of place, but I just have to say this: THIS SHOW IS EFFIN’ BRILLIANT!You see, I was 5 years too late. I have never watched an episode of Breaking Bad until a few weeks ago. I got curious when there was a “cross over” between Breaking Bad and…
10 Days Away
My baby girl is turning 2 in ten days! What? I still can’t believe its happening so fast. We still have no plans for her birthday. As usual, I am still contemplating if we should throw her a big party or just a small kids get together thing like what we did last year. (We’ll…
Bloglovin for Ipad
I know about Bloglovin, and I think I’ve registered a long time ago without even knowing what it is. I did not pay much attention to it coz I was using Google Reader. Also, I have a list of my favorite blogs in Blogger so I just log in and check new blog posts by…
Yoga – ing
Follow Baby Mama on Facebook, Bloglovin, Google + and Twitter or Subscribe by e-mail for updates! I have always wanted to try Yoga. It seems so … zen. I watched youtube videos and tutorials online so I can practice at home, but I was hesitant to do most of the poses thinking that I might be doing it wrong and break…