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Desert Rain
It does rain in the desert. And honestly speaking, I have mixed feelings about rain in Dubai. I’ve been here for almost 11 years now and I can say that I’ve experienced weird sudden change of climate. One moment you’re enjoying the cold, then extreme heat the next day. Yesterday was no different. It rained…
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday! It’t not going to be wordless today because this picture is just too cute not to comment on! We let Baby “handle” her own food. Of course we make sure it’s not hot or anything. She likes rice, can you tell? LOL
Mommy Musings: Crying Toddler
Blake is extra clingy these days. One, she now knows that mommy and daddy are not at home most of the time and two, she has colds. Because she’s left with the nanny most of the time, she would jump at mommy and daddy as soon as we arrive. And she would not let go!…
Beauty Sketches
I could be a little late in posting this because this video has been showing up on my facebook timeline for a while now. I really didn’t pay any attention to it. I mean it’s Dove. I get that they empower women and that its a great product. Heck, I use Dove. (I just discovered…
Wordless Wednesday
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