This time last year, I took a break from work and splurged on myself. I had my nails done, my eyebrows trimmed and my legs waxed. Then I cooked for the family. Can’t remember if I had people over… hmmm. Anyway, that was last year. This year, I decided to have a really nice brunch…
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Baby Signs
I think I have mentioned before that Blake signs. We have been teaching her to communicate by using ASL with the help of Signing Time videos. She knows a couple of signs already like “milk“, “eat” and “more“. I try to sign with her as much as possible coz I want to understand her…
Vacation International
A.K.A. the night I almost got scammed. Or “I-can’t-believe-I-almost-fell-for-this!” What started out as a nice family dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe in DFC, ended up in giving my contact details to a scammer. We were on our way to Hyper Panda when this guy at a kiosk started waving to the Little One then engaged us…
Wordless Wednesday
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The IHop Experience
I had an appointment with my chiropractor last Thursday. From the office, I went straight to the clinic. No Lunch, no snacks. The appointment was at 430. So imagine what’s going on my tummy by the time I got out of the session. After the wonderful back breaking and bone cracking, I went…
Modern Family (tv series) and Breastfeeding
I was looking for a photo to go along with the topic but I couldn’t find the one where she was “exposed”. So instead, I’m posting this because it reminds me of how much I love her character! HAH! In this episode, Gloria is to be seen breastfeeding Fulgencio while signing for a package. The…